International guests

Many nearby tourist attractions

Just 6 public transportation stops to the airport

Shopping and entertainment nearby

Travel alone and find company...

A friendly smile at the reception, comfortable and fresh beds for all guests as well as the service of an international youth hostel such as washing machines and dryers and the possibility of safe luggage storage on arrival and departure are a matter of course.

All reception staff are multilingual and will be happy to assist you during your stay in our city.

You can pay comfortably with Maestro/EC- or all common credit cards (not American Express) as well as with cash.

To have a Hi Hostel membershipcard is mandatory in order to stay  at our hostel. This card can also be purchased upon arrival..

Book Now

Prices from 1.1.2025

15 - 26 yrs

from 27 yrs

6 - 14 yrs*

Dormitories with private sanitary facilities

36,30 €

41,80 €

18,15 €

Double room with private sanitary facilities

43,50 €

49,00 €

21,75 €

Single room with private sanitary facilities

60,70 €

66,20 €


*in the context of family stays, children from 0-5 years are free of charge